Friday, May 13, 2011

Water under the bridge?

The trouble with most things is they all start off so romantically in your head. But life always has alternate plans for you. They say, life’s a learning process – that of figuring out your priorities and balancing them ensuring you don’t lose yourself in the passing waves. It is an intensely personal, different journey – to be someone, to meet someone, to get a job, to afford stuff you want, to make a point, to survive, to do something or to simply be.

Life doesn’t really care about five-year plans and long-term goals.

Life is realizing in the first week of January that there’s a huge gap between who you are and what you want to be.

Life is a lazy Sunday morning spent watching a season’s worth of Seinfeld episodes.

Life is soaking yourself in the rain and feeling the wind rush by you.

Life is humming a happy tune to yourself despite knowing that your past was imperfect and future, tense.

Life is about making friends who’ll last a lifetime.

As the wise man once said, 'Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans'.


Unknown said...

good to see u revive ur blog...:)i also agree that no matter what plans we has its own plans for us..i think it is a continuous struggle to strike a balance between our objectives and life's surprises...hope to see more musings from u..

Preethy said...

the budding writer in u has woken up! :) Kudos!

Keep writing

A said...

Nice post! Keep em coming!!
I've managed to make at least one friend who will last a lifetime :)

Astraea said...

So true girl. I cannot agree more :)